Friday, December 14, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
Fragrance of love
First fill your own house with the fragrance of love.
Go not to temple to light earthen vessel before the
altar of God,
First remove the darkness of sin from your heart.
Go not to the temple to bow down your head in prayer,
First learn to bow in humility before your fellowmen.
Go not to temple to pray on bended knee,
First bend down to lift someone who is down trodden.
Go not to temple to ask for forgiveness for your sins,
First forgive from your heart those who have sinned
against you.
Rabindranath Tagore
Monday, November 26, 2007
Then they brought in an old man who had been fixing ships since he was a youngster.
He carried a large bag of tools with him, and when he arrived, he immediately went to work. He inspected the engine very carefully, top to bottom.
Two of the ship's owners were there, watching this man, hoping he would know what to do. After looking things over, the old man reached into his bag and pulled out a small hammer. He gently tapped something. Instantly, the engine lurched into life.
He carefully put his hammer away. The engine was fixed! A week later, the owners received a bill from the old man for ten thousand dollars.
"What?!" the owners exclaimed. "He hardly did anything!"
So they wrote the old man a note saying, "Please send us an itemized bill."
The man sent a bill that read:
Tapping with a hammer..... $ 2.00
Knowing where to ......... $ 9998.00
Effort is important, but knowing where to make an effort in your life makes all the difference.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Copied from Sulekha - Dimwit
Skewed Economics
*Value: As defined and included in the GDP of a nation.
If economics drives a nation’s policies, and the goal is to increase the GDP year over year, then guess where value is going to come from?
A tree that stands and nurtures the environment, has no economic value. As soon as an axe cuts it down, it is assigned value.
The grass, the flowers, the plants and all those organic things that make a park for leisure have no economic value. The concrete pavement and the tarred road have value. The buildings, and even parking garages that take over these parks have tremendous value.
Mass produced agricultural produce, transported over great distance, sometimes frozen and then unfrozen for sale, with serious loss of nutrition – has value. Freshly picked produce from a kitchen garden, replete with nutrition – has no value.
Fresh groundwater laboriously filled by the villagers at the well, and then carted home in earthen pots has no economic value. Chlorinated water delivered at your home tap has value.
Solar powered homes reduce consumption of sold electricity, therefore lower GDP. Nuclear plants built to generate electricity add value. Dams and reservoirs that destroy natural landscape add value.
Oil generation has value. Environment destruction in the extraction process is not debited.
Oil traded and used has value. Environment pollution caused by its use is not debited.
A homemaker working at home has no economic value. If she crosses the street and works at another home, there is value.
Mother’s milk has no economic value. Baby formula has value.
Sperm donation, that requires masturbation, is paid for and therefore adds to the GDP. Egg donation, that requires body-invading procedure – it’s illegal to be paid for.
Safe driving has no economic value. A car crash acquires value.
A healthy child has no economic value. A sick one who needs medical care acquires value.
A home cooked meal has no economic value. Packaged and processed food, and restaurant or fast food has value.
A hand made card, a home made gift, a poem written in love, a basket of fresh fruit from your own fruit trees or wildflowers picked from a field have no economic value. Teddy bears stuffed with god-knows what, cheesy greetings written by strangers and printed on a card, sugar laden chocolatey treats, and flowers cut and packaged in plastic acquire value. Guess which one is promoted?
Peace has no value. War generates value - arms production, destruction, and regeneration. Especially war that is waged far away from one’s own country (thereby causing no stoppage of work domestically that could result in loss of value) adds great value to the GDP.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
My Friday Story
You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time.
You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken.
You'll fight with your best friend.
You'll blame a new love for things an old one did.
You'll cry because time is passing too fast,
and you'll eventually lose someone you love.
So take too many pictures, laugh too much,
and love like you've never been hurt
because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
Don't be afraid that your life will end,
be afraid that it will never begin.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
State has a duty to stop conversions to maintain public order—Justice K.T. Thomas
Text of the sixth Rev. Dr. Stanley Samartha Memorial Lecture
State has a duty to stop conversions to maintain public order—Justice K.T. Thomas
(Justice K.T. Thomas, retired in 2002 as a Justice in the Supreme Court. He has delivered a lecture on conversions in a programme organised by the Bangalore Initiative for Religious Dialogue (BIRD). The audience comprised essentially of christian clergy and intellectuals. The programme was held in the main cathedral in Bangalore. Justice Thomas’ speech was really a bold and forthright one.)
Whenever mass conversions took place from Hindus to Budhisim, I never heard even a whisper of criticism. But when conversion of even a small group took place from Hindus to Christians or to Islam, the critics raised their voice, sometimes the criticism became strident and even aggressive on the allegation that such conversions were brought about by allurement, if not by fraudulent methods.
Why conversions from Hinduism to Budhism or Jainism or even Sikhism never created any problem in India. Because they are Indian originated religions. But the problem arose only when such conversion is made from Hindu religion to Christianity, Islam or Jewish religion. They are counted as Semitic religions.
Fundamentally Hindu religion did not believe in proselytization. In this connection it will be interesting to read the words of Mahatma Gandhi when he said as early as 19th January 1928 (He was then addressing an assembly of delegates from different religions)...
This was a subject of fume and sensitivity. A few years ago when some of the states proposed to pass legislation banning conversion, then it became a topic of debate in public places and also in the columns of the print media. When Jayalalitha government of Tamil Nadu proposed to bring such a legislation, a lot of protests were aired by Christians. At a later stage, she agreed to retrace the step for reasons not disclosed.
Whenever mass conversions took place from Hindus to Budhisim, I never heard even a whisper of criticism. But when conversion of even a small group took place from Hindus to Christians or to Islam, the critics raised their voice, sometimes the criticism became strident and even aggressive on the allegation that such conversions were brought about by allurement, if not by fraudulent methods.
Why conversions from Hinduism to Budhism or Jainism or even Sikhism never created any problem in India. Because they are Indian originated religions. But the problem arose only when such conversion is made from Hindu religion to Christianity, Islam or Jewish religion. They are counted as semitic religions. They are also called Abrahamic religions as the common primogenitor for all those religions was Abraham (also called Ibrahim in Arabic). We can conveniently leave out Jewish religion as no recorded instance could be pointed out when somebody had converted from Hinduism to Jewish religion. When I refer to conversion, it may be understood as conversion either to Christianity or Islam.
I remember four different occasions when conversion from Hindu religion was raised as a political or legal question. First, when the Indian Constitution was made. Second was in 1956 when Justice Niyogi Commission report was published containing a recommendation that foreign missionaries shall be banned in India and also to impose statutory restrictions against conversion. The third occasion was in 1967-68 when the Congress governments of Orissa and Madhya Pradesh passed legislations imposing penal provisions against conversion by allurement and fraud. The fourth was in the recent past when some of the BJP state governments and the AIDMK government in Tamil Nadu brought similar legislations.
Many Christians believe that Jesus Christ issued a mandate to convert all people to Christianity. In support of this, the scriptural sentence often quoted is Chapter. 28-19 of the gospel according to Mathew: “Therefore go ye into all the I!; . world and make all people my disciples and baptise them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy spirit”.
The Christians appear to believe that they can afford to ignore or disobey the rest of the teachings and commandments of Jesus Christ relating to social justice, but they should implicitly follow the mandate of conversion because it would result in increase the strength of Christian population.
We must remember that no legislation has imposed any restriction on conversion if it is done by one’s own free will. Conversion was made an offence in the Orissa Act and also in the MP Act, if such conversion is brought out by others through compulsion, allurement, force or fraud. I remember the furor created then by the church. The validity of those Acts was challenged before the High Courts concerned and lastly in the Supreme Court. When it reached the Supreme Court, the case was heard by a Constitution bench (minimum 5 Judges). One of the Judges who heard that case was a Muslim by name Justice M.H. Beg. The decision of the Supreme Court came to be reported as Rev. Stanslavos Vs. State. The five Judge bench examined the validity of different (provisions of the legislations and held that none of the provisions is unconstitutional. Even before the Constitution came into force, conversion by persuasion was objected by many Hindu leaders. Conversion was an irritant in Indian society, as almost all conversions were from Hindus to other religions and not vice-versa.
This is because fundamentally Hindu religion did not believe in proselytization. In this connection it will be interesting to read the words of Mahatma Gandhi when he said as early as 19th January 1928 (He was then addressing an assembly of delegates from different religions). “I came to the conclusion long ago, after prayerful research and discussion with as many people as I could meet, that all religions were true, and also that all had some error in them; and that, whilst I hold my own religion, I should hold others as dear as Hinduism from which it logically follows that we should hold all as dear as our nearest kith and kin, and make no distinction between them. So, we can only pray if we are Hindus, not that a Christian should become a Hindu, or if we are Mussalmans not that a Hindu or a Christian should become a Mussalman, nor should we even secretly pray that anyone should be converted; our inmost prayer should be that a Hindu should be a better Hindu, a Muslim a better Muslim, and a Christian a better Christian. I would not only not try to convert but would not even secretly pray that anyone should embrace my faith” .
This was a very unambiguous stand of Mahatma Gandhi whose adoration and admiration of Lord Jesus Christ was convincingly much higher than majority of Christians themselves.
The right to freedom of conscience is enshrined in Article 25 of the Constitution as a fundamental right. It is a right conferred not only on the citizens of India, but on all persons. The article says “All persons are equally entitled to freedom of ‘: conscience, and the right to freely profess, practise and propagate religion”. We ; must remember that the word “propagate” was added to the Article by the Constituent Assembly after heated deliberations. Some persons opposed it on the ground that no secular Republic should allow it. According to them, propagating one religion involves propagating against another religion which could give rise to bitterness and communal hostility. Hence, a permission to propagate religion may sometimes lead to hysterical outbursts. The trend of the debate in the Constituent Assembly shows that if the word “propagate” was not included as part of the Fundamental Rights, religious freedom as for Christians might remain only a mirage. It is interesting to note that it was Sardar Vallabhai Patel who strongly pleaded for inclusion of the word “propagate”. When the turn of Kulapathi K.M. Munshi came (he was the founder of Bharateeya Vidya Bhavan and also one of the greatest legal luminaries of India) he spoke like this:
”I know it was on this word ‘propagate’ that the Indian Christian community laid the greatest emphasis, not because they wanted to convert people aggressively, but because the word ‘propagate’ was fundamental part of their tenet. Even if the word were not there, I am sure, under the Freedom of Speech which the Constitution guarantees it will be open to any religious community to persuade other people to join their faith. So long as religion is religion, conversion by free exercise of the conscience has to be recognised”
K. Santhanam who was a renowned Constitutional expert of that time spoke like this: I quote:-”A good deal of injustice would be done to the great Christian community in India if we delete the word propagate. After all propagation is merely Freedom of Expression. I would like to point out that the word ‘convert’ is not there. Mass conversion was a part of the activities of the Christian Missionaries in this country and great objection has been taken by the people to that. Those who drafted this Constitution have taken care to see that no unlimited right of conversion had been given. People have freedom of conscience, then well and good, no restrictions can be placed against it. But if any attempt is made by one religious community or another to have mass conversions through undue influence either by money or by pressure or by other means, the State has every right to regulate such activity. Therefore, I submit to you that this article, as it is, is not so much an article ensuring freedom, but toleration - toleration for all, irrespective of the religious practice or profession”.
When the word ‘propagate’ was finally included as part of the religious freedom, the word ‘convert’ was deliberately avoided. What is the extent of the right to propagate? Does it include the right to propagate that your religion is faulty and my religion alone is perfect? Can it be permitted to propagate that, if only you follow my religion, you will enter into Heaven, but if you remain in your religion you might land up in Hell. Here comes the role of religious obscurantist. A religious fundamentalist believes that his religion alone is the right religion and all other religions are erroneous if not fake. As a religious pedantic he may be entitled to believe so but he cannot be allowed to propagate it for two reasons.
First is that, his belief that another religion is wrong is based on his ignorance about that other religion. According to me, he is ignorant of his own religion. If he knew of his own religion well, he would have realised that no religion is perfect in itself. Metropolitan Philippose Chrysostum, one of the most profound thinkers on religious pluralism, whose perorations could keep any audience to spell bound attention, once said that “Multiplicity of religion is a gift of God. It is because of other religions that imperfections of one religion can be replenished”. Akbar the Great decided to form a new religion by collecting different principles from different religions. The name of the new religion was “Din lIahi”. It was a bold experiment made by a great secularist monarch. But unfortunately, that religion died out with the death of the emperor. Is it not a stark truth that no religion in the world is perfect by itself.
Let us take the case of Christian religion. What we have is only a very small portion of the vast area of teachings and preaching made by Jesus Christ. We have only what has been recorded in the four small books called gospels. The last gospel writer St. John had said in categorical terms that if what all Jesus said and did were recorded, the whole world could not hold them in books. Do you require more proof to show that Christian religion, as we know it now, is quite imperfect because, we know only a fraction of what Jesus himself said and did.
Based on such a truncated portion, if somebody propagates that Christianity is a perfect religion then you are going against the very gospel precept.
Second is, if every religious preacher is allowed to speak that the other religion is wrong or fake, one can imagine the explosive situation which would be created by such propaganda. Religion has a tendency to erupt hysterical reactions. I have observed that this tendency is more acute among people following Semitic or Abrahamic religions. In all communal riots recorded in history at least one of the sides has been an Abrahamic religion. So a permission to propagate that your religion is inferior to my religion, if not to the extent of saying that your religion is fake, such propagation is very likely to stimulate fury and frenzy. That would snowball into creation of fertile soil for communal riots.
In this context, we must remember that, the right to religious freedom has been conferred in Article 25 of the Constitution by giving greater importance to public order, morality and health and also to the other provisions of the Constitution.
This can be discerned from the initial words of that Article (subject to public order, morality and health etc. all persons are entitled to freedom of religion). Thus public order, morality and health will override religious freedom. In other words, greater importance is given to public order, morality and health. If religious freedom is exercised in such manner as to endanger public order then it is the duty of the state to stop it.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
From :- Gitanjali
knowing that thy living touch is upon all my limbs.
I shall ever try to keep all untruths out from my thoughts,
knowing that thou art that truth which has kindled the light of reason in my mind.
I shall ever try to drive all evils away from my heart and keep my love in flower,
knowing that thou hast thy seat in the inner most shrine of my heart.
And it shall be my endeavour to reveal thee in my actions,
knowing it is thy power gives me strength to act.
Rabindra Nath Tagore
Monday, September 17, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Mumbai as an IFC
-Full capital account convertibility by 2008-end
-Eliminate securities transaction tax by 2007 and stamp duties by 2008
-Open up purchase of rupee-denominated debt instruments issued by the government to all buyers
-Focus monetary authority exclusively on single task of managing key short-term 'base rate' by 2009-10
-Set up independent public debt management office by 2009
-hift financial regulatory regime from rules-based regulation to principles-based regulation by 2011
-Permit unrestricted entry of well-known global accounting firms operating in IFCs/GFCs by 2008
-Transfer all regulation/supervision of any type of organised financial trading to SEBI by 2008
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
Atham pathinnu Thiruonam
[When Mahabali was ruling country, every human beings were equal.There was no theft; no cheating, no not even a word of lie by anybody..]
Today is Chingam onnu and also Hatham nakshtra ( Leo 1st and moon constellation)
Mahabali is the supreme embodiment of strength and Kindness.
Mahabali was a very good example for kindness, humbleness, human loving nature beneficial to the society and oneself and many more :It is said that he lived in Kerala; . Mahabali was an Asura(which valued Tanta and Yoga); The fight – should I do it or shouldn't I; Should I be good, or bad etc must have been present inside that great individual who stood against the common social flow of selfishness and became a real individual; During this season, The beauty of Kerala comes to mind. I love Onam, Mahabali and Kerala.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
A Present
So many different and conflicting opinions are fed into our mind. Result, many voices inside us.
Can we listen to and follow all of them? No. So we choose and lose many, on whom we depend.
The nett result is we lose ourselves and lose others also. What a maddening situation!
You can save yourself from this plight only by self effort. Nobody is going to save you.
Now, start with your Heart, it is the driver and then go to the Head it is the vehicle.
Feel and experience, in the Present. Leave the Past, forget the Future.
The one is already dead and the other is yet unborn. These two are beyond You.
Live in the Present because only that belongs to you. This is "Art of Living".
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Different Plates!!!!!!
"What's wrong, my dear husband?" she inquired. "Even though I am married to you," he replied, "I am attracted to the prostitute. I am asking you to make an arrangement for me." So being a very chaste and obedient wife, she wished to fulfill her husband's desire, and she began going to the prostitute's house when no-one was home, and clean there. After a while this prostitute noticed, "Someone is cleaning my house. I am not asking anyone to do this, so I wonder who it could be."
So one day the prostitute stayed back, and after some time the crippled man's wife came and began cleaning. The prostitute approached her and said, "Why are you doing this?" She replied, "My husband is very attracted to you, and he wants to meet with you, but we are very poor, and cannot afford to pay. So instead I am offering some service. The prostitute said, "Very well, send him over tonight."
That night the prostitute prepared a very nice dinner and she served a portion of each of these preparations onto two plates, one of gold and one of silver. When the man arrived, she requested him to partake of the food she had prepared for him. "Please take from the silver plate." she told him. After he had finished all the food on the silver plate, the prostitute told him to take from the gold plate. When he had finished, the prostitute inquired from the man, "Now, was there any difference in taste?"
Surprised, the man replied, "What difference? These are exactly the same preparations, only served on different plates. You must be crazy!" "No, you are the one, who is mad!!" the prostitute replied. What's the difference between me and your wife? Only the covering is different!!The man came back to his senses.
He begged forgiveness for lascivious behavior from his wife and thanked the prostitute for opening his eyes. Human tendency is to enjoy, but uncontrolled enjoyment will be a real havoc for the society. The jewels of wisdom given by sages show us the right path; guide us to have controlled enjoyment. Be content with what is being provided by the providence. Desires are endless.
Until and unless we put a voluntary control over these, we will be running after them like animals and will have no peace. Fulfillment of desires doesn't bring peace but endless chase for fulfilling more desires. Unconrolled desires are the root of anxiety and unhappiness in life. (Asha hi param dukham nairashayam param sukham– Srimad Bhagavat).If one seeks peace in life, one should stay content with the spouse they have, amount of food they get and the amount of wealth they obtain, but one should never be satisfied with the amount of charity given, devotional service peformed and number of holy names chanted!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Recipe For Happiness
One heartful of love,
Two handfuls of generosity,
One headful of understanding
add a dash of humour,
Sprinkle it with kindness,
Mix it with plenty of faith .
Spread over a period of a lifetime
and serve to everyone you meet.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver
She offered to find out the process of refining silver and called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heatup. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest so as to burn away all the impurities.The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot;
then she thought again about the verse that says: "He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver." She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined. The man answered that he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire.If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.The woman was silent for a moment.
Then she asked the silversmith, "How do you know when the silver is fully refined?" He smiled at her and answered, "Oh, that's easy -- when I see my image in it."If today you are feeling the heat of the fire, remember that God has his eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you and, no matter whatever you are going through now, you will be a better person in the end!
You are Divine. You are part of me. I am part of you. —Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Do not injure nor let others injure you
"A serpent dwelt in a certain locality. No one dared to pass by that way, for whoever did so was instantaneously bitten to death by that serpent. Once a holy man passed by. As usual the serpent pursued that sage with a view of biting him, but when it approached the holy man, it lost all its ferocity and was over-powered by his gentleness.
Seeing the snake, the holy man said, “Well, friend, do you want to bite me?” The snake was abashed and made no reply. At this the sage said again, “Hearken, friend, do not injure anyone in future.” The snake bowed and nodded assent. After the sage had gone his own way, the snake entered its hole, and thenceforth began to live a life of innocence and purity without even wishing to harm anyone.
In a few days it became a common belief in the neighbourhood that the snake had lost all its venom and was no more dangerous, and so people began to tease it. Some pelted stones at it and others dragged it mercilessly by the tail. Thus there was no end to its troubles. Fortunately, sometime after, the sage again passed that way seeing the bruised and battered condition of the poor snake, was very much moved to pity and inquired about the cause of its distress. At this the snake replied. “Sir, I have been reduced to this state, because I have not been injuring anyone since I received your instruction. But alas! They are so merciless!”
The sage smilingly said “Dear friend, I only advised you not to bite anyone, but I never asked you not to hiss and frighten others. Although you should not bite any creature, still you should keep every one at a considerable distance from you by hissing.”
Similarly, if you live in the world, make yourself feared and respected. Do not injure, but do not at the same time let others injure you. "
Walk in Peace
If a thought or conversation comes into your mind, acknowledge it and then let it know that you are sitting quietly now and will get back to it and then allow it to release from your thoughts, from your mind. Go back to that place of quiet as you are working at being one with yourself and nothing else.
You can also do this through observation of something. Go outside, sit somewhere comfortable and focus your attention on something within the space you are occupying. A flower, a plant, the tree, the grass, the sky, the sound around you. Whatever you select,be there with it and nothing else. Again if your mind starts to wander, acknowledge it and bring it back simply, not forceably but with intention and purpose.This is a wonderful practice to do. All of those stressful ideas and thoughts that are within us work to control and take over our presence and purpose. We must gain back the control over these thoughts in order to change up the energy, raise our vibration and transform our existence to something more pure, calm, quiet ... to create the peace and balance, the harmony that we are all seeking toknow and enjoy. Bring back the happiness within!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
My Bicycle
My father bought me a cycle
it is a brown, new model bicycle
strong with steels, light heave easy one
rough seat, broken springs, cleaning undone
brown and white with trye black
with bend wheels, less spokes, males tracks
all the way on Indian roads
with makes, ugly waters and dirt
it protects my dress from all dirts
which forms a part and parcel of Indian roads
Friday, July 06, 2007
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
When your prayer is of laughter and tears, it is a true prayer
Note what is caught upon the passing wind.
Laugh until the pains squeeze authority into chaotic blasts,
and then into puny puffs.
Cry until the peak of your tears,
like the pure tips of a wave before it folds into the gulping sea.
Ah, but love when your heart beats the beat of nights full of daffodils,
for then you are.If you can allow your tears totality, then you are.
-Anonymous and from OSHO
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Let My Country Awake
and the head is held high
where knowledge is free
where the world has not been broken
into fragments by narrow domestic walls
where words come out from the depth of truth
where tireless striving stretches its arms
towards prefection;
where the clear stream of reason
has not lost its way
into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;
where the mind is led forward by thee
into ever-lasting thought and action
into that heaven of freedom, my father
By Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore
"one day, I dream of writing a poem like this"
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Nice poem Link
Monday, June 25, 2007
I used to love the word "system"
Systematic evaluation of life
in the long run is always a strife
Changes is in everything must take place in life
we live to die but we must enjoy the life
For changes in our living we need the drive
which comes from faith in strive
courage, love, truth and god's grace
which comes thru a good heart and man's love
working for oneself and one's nest never become a life
living for known and unknown lives
is the living fully a human life
All our journey is to death
Journey is good in life
life is to be loved to enjoy
for death to be sweet and worth
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Home food
To go to a restaurant for eating
is a joy and change during anytime
breakfast by fresh juice drinks
lunch by heavy meals
snacks by after noon
cream and savories in the evening
light foods at nights
for having a good sleep in moonlight
Still to cook at home and eat is still wonderful, why?
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I wrote on my mother
My mother is a symbol of love to me
to her So much I owe
serene and peaceful like dove
is her heart full of love for me
harsh and mad is her nature
but I have no fear for her
for then I cannot fear her
for sincerely I like, obey and love her
trying hard to change me
she scolds, because she likes me
mad to make me better
she screams, as she loves me
never can I repay any of her love
for she is my own birth
so how I can my repay my own debt
if any?
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
No road is long with a good company
All Journey is a joy
travel to enjoy
Earth is not all same and dry
to be with friends , wonders can be made
to talk, walk , share
in play, pray , eat
to forget sorrow, study, work
yet learn, love and thank
Sitting or standing ,
Running or sleeping
Summer, winter, autumn and spring
sun or rain, day or night
to be with your friends and loved ones is Heaven
Friday, June 08, 2007
Lover Sun's flower
She blossoms in the color of her love
She blossoms in the shape of her love
She blossoms with her lover
She blooms in the direction of her lover
She follows her love
She suffers for her love
She glues to her love
With so great Ideals of life, love, friendship, sacrifice
makes Sun rises everyday to see his lover "sunflower" bloom
Every living being on earth owes the sunflower their life
for she brings the energy of her lover to shine, bright and great
Thursday, June 07, 2007
My Tommy
My dog Tommy
My little tommy was a puppy
when I was young enough to be a baby
So our friendship was instant and innocent
we blossomed faster and stronger in our friendship
So faithful and friendly,
he follows me wherever I walk
he carries me on his back
he used to warn at many danger
he runs into me at every corner
he is alert in every needful hour
Our tommy left us three years
we were friends
we left me with memories
of great warmth, strength, fun and happiness
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
I did Jogging once
Hip hip hurray
Jogging on my way
on Sun's first ray
for health, being happy
and before my youth say
old is gold, on a better day
Monday, June 04, 2007
I Dream
I wait for the night to have a dream
it inspires like a child who sees a cream
all the dreams are not cream
but they do make me beam
My foundations are my imaginations
the castles I built on them are my ambitions
but ambitions to success requires actions
Real, original actions with dedications
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Cannes Winners 2007
4 Luni, 3 Saptamini Si 2 Zile (4 Months, 3 weeks and 2 days), Cristian Mungiu (right), Romania
Sounds Sanskrit/indish ( Luni = lunar,saptamini = saptami =7)
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The Fear of the living
Death is fear of living
Its thought,
brings insecuirty
but cultivates ambition
Its feeling,
brings philosophy
and builds purpose for living
its nature,
brings out a persons life
principles of a life lived
Age of death
brings sympathy for the young
brings misery for middle age
brings pity at old age
Death of good, makes him a just
death of great, makes him a legend
death of wise, brings great sorrow
death of brave, makes him a hero
Death is no end of life
Death is mirror of ones life
Death should be a beginning
for death can have no death
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
nalladhoar veenai seydhae....
nalladhoar veenai seydhae - adhai
nalangedap puzhudhiyil erivadhundoa
solladi sivasakthi - enaich
chudarmigum arivudan padaiththuvittaay
vallamai thaaraayoa - indha
maanilam payanura vaazhvadharkae
solladi sivasakthi - nilach
chumaiyena vaazhndhidap puriguvaiyoa
visaiyurup pandhinaip poal - ullam
vaendiyapadi seyyum udal kaettaen
nasaiyaru manam kaettaen - niththam
navamenach chudar tharum uyir kaettaen...uyir kaettaen...uyir kaettaen
thasaiyinaith theechchudinum - siva
sakthiyaip paadum nallagam kaettaen
asaivuru madhi kaettaen - ivai
arulvadhil unakkedhum thadaiyuladhoa (2)
For english subtitles and better/diffferent appreciation click hereMotivated by ....
Over a period of years I found that I also like to play with words one for humour and another for just stop thinking/getting involved deep emotions/manipulations
After all a thing of beauty is a joy for ever
In Love
We are away by miles
We are too near by smiles
We can easily hurt
it is painful for heart
we have an obstacle of hair
we meet by being a liar
we walk hand in hand
on grass, floor and sand
we sin by hint
we are sinned by mind
our heart is a peaceful dove
when we know we are in love
Miserly pleasure
There is pleasure in pain
There is love in hate
there is generosity in greediness
there is food in poison
there is greatness in smallness
there is no peace in jealousness
there is no happiness in hatred
there is no success in cruelty
there is no honor in laziness
there is no greatness in cheating
there is no wealth in miserliness
Friday, May 11, 2007
Silence of Peace
that duty that is sincere
the silence that is peace
are of the heart that is great
the fortitude led by prudence
the conscience led by heart
the thoughts, Not led by desires
are of the body led by a great soul
The greatness of a plant
the greatness of a bird
the greatness of a animal
are all the greatness of the creator alone
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Everything and Everyone
Everything has beauty
everything is nice
everything has energy
only if everything is in its place
Everyone is great
everyone can excel
everyone has creativity
only if everyone is unselfish
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
day is bright
wind is strong
sun is warm
and hopes are high
Knowledge is sound
confidence is more
concentration has doubled
and courage is always there
duties are there
problems are here
worries are anywhere
But Happiness is everywhere
Life can be smooth
planning should be correct
success can be sure
for God is love
and Love is God
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Behold My Mango
Behold!, how sweet is fruit called the queen of fruit
it is my favorite fruit and is called the mango fruit
Fruit is of four taste
Ripen Mango is sweet taste
Green mango is of bitter taste
and it can be made into pickle of every taste
Some Mangoes are like the cheeks
Few Mangoes are like round face
Many Mangoes are like sharp nose
Mangoes make watering of mouth
July 8th 1990
I am a Indian and my heart is India
I am a Hindu and my duties are important
I am a man and myself want to be chivalry
I am going to be a engineer and my future is bright
I am going to be a painter and my drawings are my soul
I am going to be a adult and my dreams are of youth
I am born great and my feelings are of pride
( just note these are poems written by teenager and produced here in Verbatim)
Friday, April 27, 2007
Oh! what a great resource
for how many beings you are the source
Dangerous is your course
for great is your cause
for only few knows because
you never care for your health
ofcourse,this land is blessed
Because of your love and sacrifice
oh blessed one,
blessing one
you should live for years
as your deeds
This is my third poem
After the second and
First rhymes
All I want to say his that I want to PRAY.
What I want to pray is
Whom I want to pray to
Just began, I pray my God,
and to my lord , I asked
Oh Lord, help me
Oh God Help them ( -:)_
Oh Lord save me
Oh God, Help them
and just remember this is my first poem to be saved