Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A Present

We live our whole life, believing what others say about us, depending on their views and doing what they approve. We start compromising with our ownselves and ultimately lose ourselves for others. But wait. Can we satisfy all of them? No, because there are so many of them.
So many different and conflicting opinions are fed into our mind. Result, many voices inside us.
Can we listen to and follow all of them? No. So we choose and lose many, on whom we depend.
The nett result is we lose ourselves and lose others also. What a maddening situation!
You can save yourself from this plight only by self effort. Nobody is going to save you.

Now, start with your Heart, it is the driver and then go to the Head it is the vehicle.
Feel and experience, in the Present. Leave the Past, forget the Future.
The one is already dead and the other is yet unborn. These two are beyond You.

Live in the Present because only that belongs to you. This is "Art of Living".

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