Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A prayer

Give me not thirst if you cannot give me water. 
Give me not hunger if you cannot give me food.
Give me not joy if I cannot share. 
Give me not the skills if I cannot put them to good use. 
Give me not intelligence if I cannot perceive beyond it. 
Give me not knowledge if I cannot digest it. 
Give me not love if I cannot serve. 
Give me not desire that doesn't lead me to you. 
Give me not a path that doesn't take me home.
Give me not a prayer if you don't want to hear it. (Laughter)

Question : When you pray, to whom do you pray?
Sri Sri : To myself! In prayer the mind goes to its source, the Self. God, Guru, and the Self are the same.

Dean says : Give me not time if I don't know how to manage it. 
Daniel says : Gurudev says, "You're all out of time..." (Laughter)

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